
Is there a way to plot your own MOCs?

jhaase 4 years ago updated by Simple Jack 4 years ago 4

Hi Guys.

I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to supply a MOC as an python object or a FITS file and plot it in the pyesasky display?

So far I have not had luck with it, perhaps I am looking the wrong places.

If this is not possible yet I would encourage that as method to develop, and perhaps also add one allowing for basic overlap checking with the built-in MOCs.



Satisfaction mark by jhaase 4 years ago

Hi Matthias

Brilliant, thank you very much!

I have been using the mocpy module to access/manipulate MOCs so far and that one seems to happy to serialize into both strings and JSON, so that sounds like a good fit to me.




Hi Jonas,

I've uploaded a new version now to pypi and npm; 1.4.2

pip install pyesasky==1.4.2

and jupyter labextension install pyesasky@1.4.2 will do the installations.

The syntax is like this:

esasky.overlayMOC(mocstring, name, color, opacity)



esasky.overlayMoc('6/2-15 23 554 7/22 50-75', 'myMoc', 'blue', 0.2)

esasky.overlayMoc('{"3":[1,2,3,4,5], "4":[2,3,4]}', 'myMoc', '#FF1244', 1) Opacity 1 gives only the edges


There seems to be a small bug in AladinLite for MOCs in Ipix 0 for order 3 when zoomed out quite a bit. I'll try to have a look at that a bit later but hopefully it shouldn't interfere too much.

Have a look and see if fits what you were looking for.

Best regards

Hi Jonas,

Good point. We definitely should have this. Actually not too much work to implement it. I'm working on it right now. My plan was to implement it so you supply a JSON MOC or string serialization as in the IVOA description 2.3.2 and 3.1: http://ivoa.net/documents/MOC/20191007/REC-MOC-1.1-20191007.pdf What do you think about that?

I'll try to finish that today and release a new pyESASky version.

Best regards


ESASky team