
Euclid loads, Hubble and Webb do not

Casey 1 year ago updated by Deborah Baines 1 year ago 4

Hi! Hope you're well! For the past few days I have been having an issue wherein Hubble and Webb imagery do not load. The frame and opacity slider appear, but that's it. Everything else, including Euclid imagery, is working normally. I've tried Firefox and Edge on my desktop and phone, as well as trying cable and mobile internet. When the image URLs are copied into a new tab, they load just fine. Any ideas as to what's going on? Thanks!

Thank you folks so much for getting to the bottom of it!
Satisfaction mark by Casey 1 year ago

Dear Casey,

We're happy to report that the issue has now been fixed and the Hubble and Webb images can again be viewed in ESASky!

This turned out to be a CORS issue with the CDN that has been fixed.

Many thanks for your patience and for reporting the issue to us.

Best regards,

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team

I had the same problem; I hope it is resolved soon.

We're happy to report that the issue has now been fixed and the Hubble and Webb images can again be viewed in ESASky!


Hi Casey,

Many thanks for letting us know about the issue. There is a missing HTTP header (CORS) in the responses we are getting from the Hubble and Webb servers, which causes this issue. We'll contact the Hubble and Webb team so they can address the problem and let you know as soon as it is working again.