
Dashboard in the External Data Centres

d0ct0r 1 year ago updated by Deborah Baines 3 months ago 3

Hi all! I can't see the MAST data on the Dashboard in the External Data Centres.

Satisfaction mark by d0ct0r 1 year ago

Dear David,

The ESASky External Data Centre's feature is linking to the MAST Table Access Protocol (TAP) service. Therefore, to include TGLC light curve data, ideally we would want this data to be included in the MAST TAP, otherwise ESASky will be giving the wrong impression to users that this data is available via the MAST TAP when in fact it is not. I see in the TGLC MAST page (https://archive.stsci.edu/hlsp/tglc) that MAST provides other services to access the data. Can I suggest you send your request to MAST (https://archive.stsci.edu/contacts.html) to include the TGLC data in their TAP? Any clients that access TAPs (ESASky, TOPCAT, Aladin etc.) will then automatically be able to access the TGLC data too.

Many thanks and regards,

Deborah, on behalf of the ESASky team


Is it possible to add into the "Dashboard" of the "External Data Center", for the MAST HLSP data, a link to data of the TGLC light curves, from its archive with the following URL?


I saw the TGLC data, available from ESAsky, are just the ones collected into the MAST data page, but the TGLC archive contains data for many other sectors not reachable from the Dashboard at the moment.



Dear ESASky user,

Many thanks for letting us know about this issue. Something had changed in the MAST TAP service, however, it should now be working again for you in ESASky.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,
