
Please make available for download the full 24k x 24x resolution images from Euclid

Jerry L 9 months ago updated by Deborah Baines 9 months ago 3

  ESASky is great, but I prefer to zoom and pan on my own from a full resolution image file on my computer. Could you please make available the full resolution files available for every Euclid image? And if not, why not? Thanks

Dear Jerry L.,

The 24Kx24K resolution images on ESASky have only been provided to guide the users toward the calibrated full-resolution Euclid images available using the link to the cosmos web site ( https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/euclid/ero-public-release ) and are not made available as such. Your previous request had already been escalated to the Euclid Mission Manager and the answer I provided reflected his answer and the rules that have been set for access to these files (this answer also reflects the answer from the Mission Manager). Not all Euclid data products can currently be downloaded publicly. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kind regards,

Deborah on behalf of the ESASky team

   The full-resolution images, in processed image form, are NOT available anywhere from the web page you cited, only the lower resolution images and raw data for creating the full resolution images, which I don't have the expertise to do. The only place where I have seen the full resolution (24k x 24k) processed images are on the ESASky site, so clearly you have them!  But you still have not explained WHY you cannot make them available for download. 

Please escalate my question to somebody higher up, if necessary, who can provide a definitive answer as to why ESASky cannot make the full resolution images available, or otherwise provide links to where they can be found, if at all.  Thank you.


Dear Jerry L.

Indeed, the ERO images from Euclid are not available to download from ESASky (this is also the case for the Hubble and Webb outreach images). However, links to access the images and download the data are available from the Euclid ERO page here: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/euclid/ero-public-release

Kind regards,

Deborah on behalf of the ESASky team