Right ascension format
The right ascension of Gaia DR1 2067784619950643072 == Cyg OB2-8A, for example, is shown as 20h 33' 15.07". It should be 20h 33m 15.07s. The declination coordinate is not wrong but would look better, if this were possible, with a degree symbol rather than "d".
Customer support service by UserEcho
Dear Andy,
Greetings! This issue has been fixed for some time now and we should have let you know before now, apologies.
Also, as of this latest release, the coordinate formats can now be changed back and forth from sexagesimal to decimal by clicking in the coordinates in the top left of ESASky.
Kind regards,
on behalf of the ESASky team
Thanks Andy!
That is easy enough to fix. We will make these modifications and let you know when they are done.
This also applies to all other right ascensions that I've looked at.