Your comments
Dear Patricio,
Yes, this is possible if you know the overlay name (i.e. it is a catalog you have added through 'overlayCatalogueWithDetails')
Adding the catalogue:
{event:'overlayCatalogueWithDetails', content:{'overlaySet': {'type': 'SourceListOverlay', 'overlayName': 'test catalogue name', 'cooframe': 'J2000', 'color': '#ee2345', 'lineWidth': 10, 'skyObjectList': [{'name': 'source name A', 'id': 1, 'ra': '150.44963', 'dec': '2.24640', 'data': [{'name': 'Flux 1', 'value': '10.5', 'type': 'STRING'}]}]}}}
De/selecting a shape (and a row):
{event: 'selectShape', content:{overlayName:'test catalogue name', shapeName:'source name A'}}
{event: 'deselectShape', content:{overlayName:'test catalogue name', shapeName:'source name A'}}
Best regards,
Philip Matsson
Dear Patricio,
Unfortunately, this is not possible currently. I will forward this suggestion to the rest of the team and we will consider implementing this.
Best regards,
Philip Matsson
Customer support service by UserEcho
{event: 'deselectAllShapes'}
Best regards,
Philip Matsson