Your comments

The second way isn't through astroquery, but it is within a jupyter notebook and using our ESASky Jupyter Widget called pyESASky.  We have an example notebook on how to download data from pyESASky here:

Installation instructions etc can be found here:


We've an example in Binder (Cluster Analysis notebook):

And we've a video here:

I hope one of these options is good for you. Let us know how you go and if you need any help installing pyESASky!

Best regards,

Debbie, on behalf of the ESASky team

Hi Alvaro,

There are two ways I can think to do this. Firstly, you can use the astroquery TAP+ module and call the ESASky TAP:

You select the table you're interested in, then perform a cone search using ADQL.

Here's some example jupyter notebook code:

# Calling the ESASky TAP and printing the available tables
from astroquery.utils.tap.core import TapPlus
esasky = TapPlus(url="")
tables = esasky.load_tables(only_names=True)
for table in (tables):
# Inspect the columns of the 2MASS Catalogue
esasky = TapPlus(url="")
tmass = esasky.load_table('public.t_tmass_original_valid_fdw')
for column in (tmass.columns):
# Perform a cone search on 2MASS around the coordinates for M51 with a radius of 10 arcminutes:
esasky = TapPlus(url="")

job = esasky.launch_job("SELECT * FROM public.t_tmass_original_valid_fdw \
  POINT('ICRS', ra, dec), \
  CIRCLE('ICRS', 202.469575, +47.195258, 0.166667))", "tmass_M51.vot")

If you know TOPCAT, you can also inspect the ESASky TAP and try some ADQL code. Open Topcat -> VO -> Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query -> In keyword type 'ESASky' , click 'Find Service' -> Click 'use service' button. 

Dear Nora,

Please tell your user that they can access and download the latest XMM-Newton EPIC MOC here:

This can then be loaded and visualised in pyESASky or Aladin desktop for example. 

Also note, all other XMM-Newton MOCs, as well as the HiPS, can be found in

(select the HiPS in the list and once opened, there's a link to the MOC in the list in the right).

Kind regards,

Debbie, on behalf of the ESASky Team

Dear Bruno,

Does he want this functionality (where currently it's a click on a catalogue source and the name appears in the window)?:

Many thanks,

Debbie, on behalf of the ESASky team