ESASky User Forum / Whiteboard
Welcome to the ESASky user forum! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users, allow conversations between users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities related to the ESASky application. We welcome requests for the ESASky, its documentation, its ways of interacting with the community, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.
Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.
You can also use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality.
Other places to get help and communicate with the ESASky team are:
- @ESAESDC on Twitter
- The ESASky newsletter
- The team's info email address (esaskyinfo at
- The ESASky helpdesk (requires registration)
The ESASky Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please observe the usual basic internet citizen rules before posting to this forum.
Vizier catalogue overlay (for Herschel Galactic Plane data)
The Hi-Gal Consortium public database provides an incremental access to compact source catalogues through Vizier (,_DEJ&-sort=_r&-oc.form=sexa) as well as through the Vialactea Project web-interface (
It would be a useful scientific tool and a great added value if EsaSky can provide a capability to overlay catalogues on background intensity maps. The interwoven structure of filaments Herschel resolves in large-scale images are well correlated with locations of starless and star forming cores. An overlay functionality could guide scientist to identify 'interesting' areas for follow-up studies. Filtering of overlaid sources based on catalogued observables (colours, photometry, size, shape parameters etc.) could further enhance the science use of such functionality.
Projection in 7.0
Hi, hope you're well. I have a question about the new default projection in 7.0. Is there a way to toggle between the new projection (from the inside of a sphere) and the old one (from the outside of a sphere)? Thanks!
overlayFootprints over Javascript API ignores color
I'm drawing a circle footprint around my target of interest, and it seems that the Javascript command is ignoring my color input. Below is an example of a command I'm sending. I'm always getting a red circle no matter what I set as color.
{'event': 'overlayFootprints',
'content': {'overlaySet': {'type': 'FootprintListOverlay',
'overlayName': 'visit splitting distance',
'cooframe': 'J2000',
'color': '#15B01A',
'lineWidth': 5,
'skyObjectList': [{'name': 'visit splitting distance',
'id': 1,
'stcs': 'CIRCLE ICRS 315.02596610 -5.09485700 0.0222',
'ra_deg': '315.02596610',
'dec_deg': '-5.09485700'}]}}}
How to select/deselect a row in a catalog from a Javascript command?
Is it possible to select or de-select rows in a catalog thought the Javascript API?
Ultimately, I want to highlight targets as the user clicks into a list of the entries of the catalog (which is in a separate HTML component)
How to set the columns' units in an overlayCatalogue JS call?
I'm creating a catalog with overlayCatalogue through the Javascript API. Is there a way to set the units for the columns?
Is it possible to open all HIPS available for the current view automatically?
Now I need to go through all wavelengths and surveys to check which ones are there. I would like to automatically check which HIPS are available for the current location and be able to load them all in the HIPS list.
Please make available for download the full 24k x 24x resolution images from Euclid
ESASky is great, but I prefer to zoom and pan on my own from a full resolution image file on my computer. Could you please make available the full resolution files available for every Euclid image? And if not, why not? Thanks
Add the eROSITA largest ever Xray space survey!
eROSITA is the best xray space survey ever by more than an order of magnitude
You should include it for democratizing science progress :)
Dashboard in the External Data Centres
Hi all! I can't see the MAST data on the Dashboard in the External Data Centres.
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