Explore all publication data for single galaxy
I noticed that (mainly local) galaxies have publication assigned to single clumps or even stars. Currently, it is not possible to select *all* publications for a single local galaxy, but one has to select each sub-catalog of publications.
Here is an example:
Search for NGC 5253, which is a irregular local dwarf galaxy. For this galaxy, about 2100 publications are available, however, they are distributed over the whole galaxy as shown in the image below (named "NGC5253 NC1" or "NGC5253 NC245", etc). There is no option to select all publication linked to this particular galaxy, which would be very useful.
There are at least two user friendly solutions to this:
1) Let the user select different publication entries by dragging a box around them
2) Group the publications together depending on the level of zoom (i.e., zoom in to split the publication into multiple groups depending on the targeted location in the galaxy; zoom out to have only one group with all the publications linked to a galaxy).
Customer support service by UserEcho
Many thanks Andreas for your analysis and suggestion. You gave us very nice ideas ! This is the kind of feedback that we need, really.
Your suggestions have been inserted already into the backlog and they will be soon inserted in the ESASky development plan.
Many thanks again!
Best regards,