
Hole in the DSS sky !

John Murrell hace 7 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 5 años 5

If you load the URL sky.esa.int/?action=goto&target=208.36495%20-67.41694&hips=DSS2%20color&fov=0.6184503996975068&cooframe=J2000 there appears to be a hole in the DSS image in ESASky. It dissapears if you zoom out. This does not appear in Aladin Lite so appears to be a problem with ESASky - possibly missing Healpix tile ?

This is the position of Gaia18aod (aka Nova Circini 2018 (PNV J13532700-6725110)

Yes John! Looking at your snapshot and after reading your comment I can definitely confirm that the problem is related to the Content Delivery Network. I will pass all the details to the Network Team for further investigation.

I hope that this issue will be fixed soon.

Thank you again!

Fabrizio Giordano on behalf of ESASky Team

PS It appears to be intermitttent - just tried again and it now appears to be Ok.

Thanks Fab,

It appears to be partially fixed - the original hole has dissapeared however new ones have appeared !! See below. The holes dissapear when you zoom out and reappear when you zoom in. Perhaps the problem with your Content Delivery Network has not been fixed yet ?

Dear John,

thank you for your reporting! I have checked in my computer and I am not able to reproduce your issue, sorry. As a first check could you please try to hard refresh your browser and check if the hole is still there? The DSS2 Color HiPS map in ESASky is the same that you can find in AladinLite. 

Moreover during these last days we are experiencing some funny issues with our Content Delivery Network which is in charge of the distribution of the HiPS maps across the World. You might experience delays and in some cases tiles loading failure which might cause some holes in the HiPS maps.
It would very useful if you could take a snapshot of your browser when this issue happens and attach it to this topic.

Many thanks again for your collaboration! We really appreciated it.

Kind regards,

Fabrizio Giordano on behalf of ESASky Team