Tus comentarios

Dear ESASky User,

Yes, many thanks, we are aware of the irregular Chandra footprints/FoVs and we have already contacted them about it. We hope they will fix the issue soon.

Best regards,

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team


Sorry for the delayed reply. This effect is most likely instrumental and due to the fact that GALEX was looking at an extremely bright star in the ultraviolet (alpha Andromedae, a massive 'blue' star, with spectral type B8 and a companion binary star with spectral type A3, seen as the smaller orange circle to the right). The GALEX mission was not designed to have the sensitivity to be able to detect planets. 

Best regards,

Deborah on behalf of the ESASky team

Dear Becky,

Many thanks for the suggestion! I've put it in our backlog and we'll investigate if it's technically possible to do or if special access to ADS is needed. 

Kind regards,

Deborah on behalf of the ESASky team 

Dear Becky,

We are working on improvements to our sky viewer and in the near future users will be able to visualise many more sources without compromising the speed of your browser.

In the meantime, if you want to obtain a very large number of Gaia sources and plot them in the sky, I would suggest trying pyESASky (our Jupyter widget) along with the Gaia astroquery module (and to at least apply some filters to obtain good quality sources). Here's an example that can be pasted into a jupyter notebook: 

# Import the required python modules:
from pyesasky import ESASkyWidget
from astroquery.gaia import Gaia
# Instantiate and load the pyESASky instance
esasky = ESASkyWidget()
#Set the target, field of view and background sky
esasky.goToRADec('246.805777', '-24.517895')
esasky.setHiPS('AllWise color')
# Query the Gaia catalogue in this region, a conesearch with radius 1.5 degrees and
# apply some quality filters: good astrometry where RUWE < 1.4 and good parallax > 0.
job = Gaia.launch_job_async("SELECT gaia.source_id, gaia.ra, gaia.dec, gaia.parallax, gaia.pmra, gaia.pmdec FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source as gaia \
INNER JOIN gaiadr2.ruwe \
ON gaia.source_id = gaiadr2.ruwe.source_id \
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',gaia.ra,gaia.dec),CIRCLE('ICRS',246.805777, -24.517895, 1.5))=1 \
AND gaiadr2.ruwe.ruwe < 1.4 \
AND gaia.parallax > 0")
Gaia = job.get_results()
# Send the catalogue to be viewed in pyESASky
esasky.overlayCatalogueFromAstropyTable('Gaia', 'J2000', '#33c9cc', 5, Gaia, 'ra', 'dec','source_id')

A conesearch of radius 1.5 degrees brings back 88402 Gaia sources and when you send these to pyESASky, this many sources look like this in the sky (i.e. most of them merge into one another, one needs to zoom to see the individual sources):

Information on pyESASky can be found here: 


and in this video: 

I hope all this helps,

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team

Dear Maria,

We also have an ESASky javascript API  and we are working with some of the ESA astronomy archives to use this in their UI - keep watching our archives, news will come! More information on the API:


Many thanks for your feedback!

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team