ESASky User Forum / Whiteboard

Welcome to the ESASky user forum! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users, allow conversations between users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities related to the ESASky application. We welcome requests for the ESASky, its documentation, its ways of interacting with the community, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.

Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.

You can also use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality.

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The ESASky Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please observe the usual basic internet citizen rules before posting to this forum.


Extend catalogue in-place filter to include < and > operators.

John Hoar 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 6 years ago 2

The interface only supports string equality. Please add numerical comparison operators.


Idea to extend ESASky capabilities

mhsarmiento 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 4

I am playing around a little bit with Jupyter notebooks, and I was wondering whether would it be a good idea to implement something in python or any other  programming languaje, that allows to send a request to ESASky in order to perform a crossmatch between a determined resultset, provided by the user, and the observations made by a specific science mission for that same area. 

For example, imagine that I am a user that wants to perform a study about x-ray objects. I have a resulset produced by the data retrieved from XSA TAP service and reduced following a determined critera that will help me to find ... ????. 

Now I want to cross my results with the observations made by Chandra mission, for that same area of interest, with a determined filtering, a specific background map and any other aditional flag like for example the publications available for the sources contained in that area, and finally,  display those results in ESASky. 

This would it be reasonable or useful from the user point of view? 

Furthemore, that service could be useful for the rest of the archives. For example, going back to X-rays example. If a  XSA user mades a filtering of data and now, from the XSA interface, we wants to cross those results with Chandra and display them in ESASky. Perhaps, could it be possible to send a json file to ESASky with all the information that it needs to do this and display the results in ESASky.

Does this make sense?


Bug in "Select Sky" interface; no matter which part of the spectrum you chose, the UI always says "Optical"

cjrc88 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 6 years ago 3

There is a bug in the "Select Sky" interface; no matter which part of the spectrum you chose, the UI always says "Optical". For example, if you pick a radio map, the word "Optical" still shows even after the new map appears.

Bug in Firefox 60.0.1 on Ubuntu.


Missing links from XMM OM catalogue to XSA OM Catalogue

Nora Loiseau 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 6 years ago 2

Example: HD 228766 is identified as XMMOM J201729.7+371832 but there is no link to the catalogue in XSA, as is the case i.e. for 3xmm sources


Color bar with values?

Daniel Pfenniger 7 years ago updated by ESASky Team 5 years ago 3

Colored maps are pretty but without color bars with corresponding numerical values the scientific utility is low.    Could these informations be added please ?


Error in image of NGC 2244

John Murrell 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 6 years ago 4

One of the random target shows NGC2244 (an open cluster in the Rosette Nebula) according to the description but the image that is shown is of the Antenna Galaxies (NGC 4038/NGC 4039) !!!


Hole in the DSS sky !

John Murrell 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 5 years ago 5

If you load the URL there appears to be a hole in the DSS image in ESASky. It dissapears if you zoom out. This does not appear in Aladin Lite so appears to be a problem with ESASky - possibly missing Healpix tile ?

This is the position of Gaia18aod (aka Nova Circini 2018 (PNV J13532700-6725110)


Under Spectra it would be nice to show EPIC spectra of the catalogue sources

Nora Loiseau 7 years ago updated by Bruno Merín 7 years ago 2

Many EPIC catalogue sources have associated spectra (and light curves) which would be very useful to show, and to offer the possibility to download together with their ancillary files.

Bruno Merín 7 years ago

Thanks Nora, indeed that is was in the list but did not have a ticket, so now I created one. We will let you know once this has been implemented.


Specify coordinate format requirements for target lists

Sarah Kendrew 7 years ago updated by Bruno Merín 7 years ago 3

Would it be possible to provide some example target lists that contain coordinates, or an explanation on the supported coordinate formats we can use in a target list? (e.g. hexagesimal, decimal, epoch, galactic vs ra/dec, etc). All the examples use named targets only.

Bruno Merín 7 years ago

The documentation has been fixed to explain how to set the coordinate format for target lists.

Under review

In Chrome, moving mouse drags the image

michael clarage 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 5 years ago 8

I am having browser functionality problems.

In Chrome, I cannot keep my image in place, because whenever I drag the mouse over the screen, the image pans as if I had the mouse clicked. So I cannot save my desired image.

In IE the dragging mouse does not pan the image, but the screenshot function does not work, no file is saved.