ESASky User Forum / Whiteboard

Welcome to the ESASky user forum! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users, allow conversations between users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities related to the ESASky application. We welcome requests for the ESASky, its documentation, its ways of interacting with the community, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.

Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.

You can also use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality.

Other places to get help and communicate with the ESASky team are:

The ESASky Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please observe the usual basic internet citizen rules before posting to this forum.


Display error of one Chandra Observation

niu541412 3 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 3 years ago 3

The FoV of one Chandra observation (OBSID:6566) is so weird.

Image 89


If I type in search: Sol; there should be a response from the UI. Maybe our sun from Earth I would suggest.

Den 3 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 3 years ago 1


Under review

make a word-cloud per source with text from abstracts from ADS

Becky Brown 4 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 1

Hi guys,

No matter how much I love the publications feature in ESASky, I have noticed that it really gets hard to figure out quickly what has been published about a source unless you really go through the full list of papers, so I wondered whether it would be possible to create a word-cloud figure out of the titles, authors and abstracts of the papers found for a given source and show it to the users to give them a visual impression about what the literature says about that source (maybe as a tooltip on top of a academic hat icon in the sky?). I know that ADS does these wordclouds with collections of papers so there might be libraries that allow to create these word-clouds fast with a bunch of text as input..

Many thanks again for the great work. Everyone I show the application to loves it. 8)



Gaia Source names

Stefanie Raetz 4 years ago updated by Becky Brown 4 years ago 2

The GaiaDR2 Source Names are so long that all my programs can only deal with them as strings. In ESASky 3.4 they were displayed correctly in full length in the calatog window but not on the popup when clicking on a star. Now with the updated version the correct name is neither shown in the catalog view nor in the pop window. The Name in the catalog window has nothing to do with the source name. Where can I find to correct Gaia names? As an example my target GaiaDR2 0530685166960018816 is shown in the popup as 530685166960018800 and in the catalog as 3 704 192. What does that number even mean?


a very dangerous bug - incorrectly interpreting coordinates

Oleg Kargaltsev 4 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 4

Typing RA as 14.4 and 014.4 sends user to two very different placess on the sky. EsaSky correctly interprets 014.4 and incorrectly 14.4. Obviously, most people (all?) will not type 014.4 but will type it as 14.4. Also, most catalogs have coordinates this way!  This will lead to countless and serious mistakes by students and also researchers.

It seems that this has been a problem for >6 months (at least it was reported that long ago). If this is not possible to fix, for some reason, a BIG WARNING MESSAGE IN RED needs to be placed on top of the main EsaSky page to prevent users from making many frustrating mistakes.

Thank you,

Oleg Kargaltsev


can't copy and paste in search window

Philip Rushton 4 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 4

I'm new to the website, having used the CDS/Aladin database before, and I tried copying and pasting the designation of a quasar from SIMBAD in order to look to any evidence of it using sub-millimetre and other wavelengths on ESASky. I can copy from SIMBAD/CDS, but the software in ESASky doesn't seem to allow pasting a target name in the search window. Is it just me making a mistake, or is there a limitation in the system? Thanks in advance for any help, Phil Rushton


Is there a way to plot your own MOCs?

jhaase 4 years ago updated by Simple Jack 4 years ago 4

Hi Guys.

I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to supply a MOC as an python object or a FITS file and plot it in the pyesasky display?

So far I have not had luck with it, perhaps I am looking the wrong places.

If this is not possible yet I would encourage that as method to develop, and perhaps also add one allowing for basic overlap checking with the built-in MOCs.




Allow to search by Kepler TOI ID (target Of Interest)

Becky Brown 4 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 3

It would be great whether ESASky would allow to search by Target Of Interest ID from the Kepler and TESS missions.


missing HST ACS background in certain region

Bruno Merín 4 years ago updated by Simple Jack 4 years ago 2

We got a question about an interesting object in this image in

When I went with  ESASky to the region to visualise the observation and plot the objects for which there are publications, I discovered that the ACS HiPS background image does not show anything in the position of that observation. Then I realise that it is an observation from 2016 and the HST HiPS were done in August 2015. But then this means that we are now close to five years outdated in these HiPS. Is there a way to re-create them with all the public observations from August 2015 until 2019?

Under review

ds9 region

Karl Glazebrook 4 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 3

Is it possible to upload one's own FITS image with a WCS? For the JWST planning stuff most of the sky surveys are not deep enough