ESASky User Forum / Whiteboard

Welcome to the ESASky user forum! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users, allow conversations between users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities related to the ESASky application. We welcome requests for the ESASky, its documentation, its ways of interacting with the community, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.

Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.

You can also use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality.

Other places to get help and communicate with the ESASky team are:

The ESASky Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please observe the usual basic internet citizen rules before posting to this forum.

En revisión

Source error regions

Andy Pollock hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 1

It would be very useful at least to have an option to plot catalogue sources with symbols the size of the error region (or source extent) . For instance, when comparing XMM and Chandra source lists of the same region, this would give a good idea of how well they agree.


how can I get objects names over the sky pictures?

adriano palenga hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 1

author search failed

Bruno Merín hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 3

I searched for author Carole Mundell and got the attached error in loading the list of papers.

Image 101

No es un bug

do not find some Gaia DR2 sources

FJ GG hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 1

I am searching for sources in ESASKy one by one using 'source_id' label.

There are some that, for whatever reason, it doesn't find them for me.

I find:

Gaia DR2 3347696388965946752

Gaia DR2 341867587319687808080

I do not find:

Gaia DR2 332351565654370895104

Gaia DR2 3335642026377082496

Gaia DR2 154466544592085888

Gaia DR2 3419692199896487680


Uploading user tables

sansari hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 3

It would really be great, if we can upload our own user tables to use beside the catalogues that are available online. It would significantly speed up the work of surveying ESA Sky for specific types of objects. This is particularly useful for those of us that are working on Gaia objects.

No es un bug

SIMBAD search results

Andy Pollock hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 5

On clicking the SIMBAD search icon, in my case under a Gaia DR3 source, the result is unexpectedly downloaded in a text file called "simbad.txt" rather than displayed in a new browser window as used to be the case and is still so with all the other icons NED et al.


Cannot upload target list

Belén hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 4

I cannot upload a target list in the usual format. I get the menu when I click the corresponding button, open the file browser when I click on "Upload target list" and I can select the file, but is never loaded. I am using Firefox 106.0.1 on Mac OS 10.15.7, but tried also Chrome 107.0.5304.87 with the same result, and also one of my students tried in front of me (not sure which OS and browser) with no success. We were 


Where is James web telescope

Anakin hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 1

I cannot find CHEOPS data for CoRoT-9

Bruno Merín hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 2

I cannot find the CHEOPS data for CoRoT-9, which is still in the CHEOPS archive and should in principle be also in ESASky.


Curious as to what this is..

Twista hace 2 años actualizado por Deborah Baines hace 2 años 1

Can someone explain this? (copy and paste URL into browser), found this - what I can only describe as a texter mark, first found it using JWST, and then again using ESA Sky.