ESASky User Forum / Whiteboard

Welcome to the ESASky user forum! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users, allow conversations between users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities related to the ESASky application. We welcome requests for the ESASky, its documentation, its ways of interacting with the community, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.

Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.

You can also use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality.

Other places to get help and communicate with the ESASky team are:

The ESASky Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please observe the usual basic internet citizen rules before posting to this forum.


Visualize predicted footprints from planning data

Peter Kretschmar 8 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 4

Most observatories plan their upcoming observations at least several weeks in advance. There are discussions ongoing to have such planning data published not only via Web pages, as currently, but also in a form that could be easily parsed by software.

Once that were available it would be interesting, especially for multi-wavelength campaigns to have a time-filtered view of theoretical footprints from observatories participicating in such a scheme. Note that this might require a generalisation as it is not clear yet how detailed such planning data would be, when published (e.g., does it precise the spacecraft rotation?).

This is a long-term idea, for the time when such interfaces exist.

Under review

Add the ART-XC sky survey :)

Fanfan 8 months ago updated by Deborah Baines 8 months ago 1

So you recently added the eROSITA eRASS1 sky survey because you guys are amazing,

but I was wondering if you could also add the newly released ART-XC sky survey.

The ART-XC xray telescope is related but is not the same as eROSITA and both are complementary

Here is the latest release


Euclid loads, Hubble and Webb do not

Casey 1 year ago updated by Deborah Baines 1 year ago 4

Hi! Hope you're well! For the past few days I have been having an issue wherein Hubble and Webb imagery do not load. The frame and opacity slider appear, but that's it. Everything else, including Euclid imagery, is working normally. I've tried Firefox and Edge on my desktop and phone, as well as trying cable and mobile internet. When the image URLs are copied into a new tab, they load just fine. Any ideas as to what's going on? Thanks!


a bug in querying target by using different form of coordinates in ESASky

Ming Yang 5 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 4 years ago 5

Dear whom it may concern, I just found out that there might be a bug in querying target by using different form of coordinates. For example, if I use the name of NGC291 or sexagesimal coordiante of 00:53:29.931-08:46:03.48, ESASky shows correct image of the target. However, if I use the decimal coordiante of 13.374713 -08.767633, ESASky shows incorrect field without target in the FOV. Could you check it please? Thanks~


View should be from inside of a sphere, not outside

JareelSkaj 6 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 5 years ago 2

Just a nit-pick, but currently if you outzoom far enough, you will see that you're looking at a sphere from the outside. For me it's rather confusing, night sky is not a planet, would be good to change the perspective, the further you outzoom, the winder your field of view should be. That's basically how all of the other astronomy/observatory applications work.


Embed API

JareelSkaj 6 years ago updated by Casey Law 7 months ago 10

ESA Sky could really use an option to embed the map into a website. Preferably just generating iFrame to the current view with some options (similar to the Google Maps) as it's by far most user-friendly version.


Under review

Slave ESASky instances

John Hoar 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 5 years ago 5

Allow an instance of ESASky to be slaved to another instance of ESASky, such that if the user move the view, or change FOV of the 'master' instance the slaved instance should change acccordingly. This should be implemented in such a way as to be compatible with other ESA archives using the underlying technology, i.e. ESASky controlling EuclidSky, and vice versa


Tagging cursor position on load via URL

John Murrell 7 years ago updated by Fab 6 years ago 3

It would be useful to to be able to tag (label) the cursor position with a label when ESASky is opened via a URL in a similar way that positions can be tagged in the full version of Aladin.

Image 36

The image shows the result in Aladin (full) - text is rather small but hopefully the idea is clear.

If implimented in addition to being able to acheive this via the URL it ought to be in the Python API as well.


Declinations between 0 and -1 are not found

Nora Loiseau 7 years ago updated by Bruno Merín 7 years ago 4

Example: 12 12 12  -00 36 00 is converted to 12 12 12  +00 36 00 (reported by ATalavera)

Bruno Merín 7 years ago

The requested bug fix has been implemented in version 2.1.

Please let us know if you experience it again.


Allow selection of a region in the sky with a box/circle

Belén López Martí 7 years ago updated by Deborah Baines 3 years ago 4

Another suggestion from the teachers at the ESTEC workshop in November 2017: The possibility to mark a box or circle in the sky to select a region of interest to be displayed.