Your comments

Dear Nuria,

Many thanks for your use case, we've created a ticket and added it to our backlog. 

We'll let you know as soon as we're able to implement it!

Many thanks and regards,

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team

Dear Nuria,

Great to hear from you! There is a method, albeit slightly indirect, to measure the distance in ESASky. You can do this using the cone, box or polygon search. When you select these in the search field, click on one star and then move to another and the distance appears (see this video for an example).

As you know, you can also load up your own target list, via the scroll icon in the search field, which will highlight your objects in the sky with a square. I'm not sure if this would completely fulfil your use case though? Can you give more details how you'd like to search for more than one object at a time? Would you want them to be tagged, or an extra column to be added with distances? 

Many thanks and regards!

Debbie on behalf of the ESASky team

Dear Andy,

This is indeed a bug that we are fixing as fast as possible, many thanks for telling us about it! 

If you click on the coordinates shown in the top left, this will change the values to decimal. It wrongly has a degree sign, please ignore, however, the values shown in ESASky are the correct values, in mas/yr, for the proper motions and errors (these columns are wrongly copying the functionality we have for the RA and DEC columns).

We'll let you know when we've fixed this.

Many thanks and best regards!


Dear Bruno,

I'm happy to report that the team fixed this bug and it's working in the current release of ESASky. 

Many thanks and regards,


Dear pgalindo,

We are happy to announce that all catalogues in VizieR (CDS) can now be queried and shown on the sky in ESASky. This of course includes the IRAS and DENIS catalogues (see below images). For more information, please see this page and video on how to use the new features:

Kind regards,


Image 103

Image 104

Dear Pedro,

The latest release of ESASky allows catalogues to be queried with ADQL (which is based on SQL), via the External Data Centres button. Please note, the catalogues in ESASky can also be queried with ADQL if you select the ESASky TAP, and this new feature also includes all tables in VizieR. I wonder if this now meets your needs for an SQL-like filtering capability? 

Please see this page and the video for details on how to query catalogues with ADQL:

Best regards,



Dear Roland,

I'm happy to announce that the latest version of ESASky allows the overlay of catalogues from VizieR (CDS)! All details can be found here:

Kind regards,


Dear Andy,

Many thanks for your suggestion and good to hear from you! Yes, we agree this would be a great feature to add to ESASky and we will include it to our backlog list.

Depending on the catalogue, it may require expert knowledge, or at least feedback from the catalogue experts, since each catalogue and mission provide different types of columns and errors. My question to you is, do you know the columns in the Chandra and XMM catalogues that you would use, or that you are indeed using now, to compute the size of the error region? I see that CSC2 provides columns for the major and minor radius of error ellipse (in arcsec) and the position angle error ellipse (in degrees), however 4XMM-DR12 has different columns.

Many thanks and I’m happy you’re still using ESASky!


Dear Adriano Palenga,

Unfortunately we don't have that functionality at the moment in ESASky but we have it in our list of features to add! 

The closest functionality ESASky currently has is if you right click on the object and select SIMBAD or NED, you'll then be directed to these name resolver websites and can find the name of the objects there. Also, if you load some catalogues in ESASky and click on the source, you'll be shown the name:

Image 102

We'll let you know when object names can be shown in the sky with ESASky.

Many thanks for you feedback and interest in ESASky.

Kind regards,
